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130 Sugar Lake Drive
Mound City, KS, 66056
United States


Concrete Cares is a 501/c non-profit group of volunteers who provide events centered around concrete to fight cancer and help families stricken by cancer


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Solomon Colors



When our daughter, Nora was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, Concrete Cares supported us in incredible ways.

As a hairstylist and business owner, I’m only making an income when I can physically be at work. Our daughter required treatments out of state and it was impossible for me to continue working. With the substantial financial support by Concrete Cares, I was able to focus on the thing that truly mattered - the care of our daughter.

This was the toughest time of our families lives and we couldn’t have had the best advocates for Nora without their help! We are forever grateful for their physical and emotional support.

Nora Travis born July 22 2018 passed away March 3 2019